sexta-feira, junho 05, 2009

Em que ficamos? (2)

Afinal, Mr. Blatter retirou no congresso da FIFA nas Bahamas, a proposta de 6+5, conforme se pode ler no texto abaixo. Torna-se ainda mais difícil de compreender a posição da Federação da Roménia. Ou será que é desde já uma resposta à FIFA? Assunto a acompanhar com curiosidade. E em Portugal? Vem aí mais um camião de jogadores estrangeiros! Basta ler os jornais todos os dias.

"At this year's Congress, it is not about adopting a formal decision on a regulation for 6+5," commented Joseph S. Blatter. "When and if the Lisbon Treaty is adopted, then we will come back to you and ask you if you're still behind us, supporting this rule, which is to protect the national teams, the training in clubs and the identity of these clubs. This is not only for Europe, but for the world," he added.
The Treaty of Lisbon, currently in the process of ratification, comprises a very clear article 165 on:
- the "specificity of sport" and its "structures" and its "social and educational role"
- the need to preserve the "openness and the fairness" of competitions
An INEA (Institute for European Affairs) study conducted by legal experts concluded in February 2009 that 6+5 is compatible with European law.

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